
Money Hesit Zodiac

Web Design and Development


Money Heist Zodiac is a fun zodiac website. On this website, users are able to input their birthday and find out which Money Heist Character they matches them. There are 12 different characters from Money Hesit Cast and each character has a birthday range that corresponds to the traditional zodiac chart.

My role was to design and program the Website. This site includes the main task of the user to find out character they match their zodiac, a help button, and music that play when result shows up or user match with a character. This site was developed with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Design and Development

I wanted to keep the design very simple and theme of Money Hesit Charcter, where user can Unmask their Character match. I have a image of all the charcter user can expect to match as the background. And mask person for each for user to reveal their charcter according to their birthday.

I used flexbox, which helped make this website to be responsive. All the mask character acts like a button and shows results according to traditional zodiac month or user can enter birth month and birth day for results